how to draw a tree branch with leaves

Improve Your Drawing Skills with Printable Practice Sheets!

Learn how to draw a great looking Tree Branch with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. You can now easily create a beautiful Tree Branch drawing.

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 10

Complete Tree Branch drawing

Jump to the step-by-step instructions.

"Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all."
-"Rock-a-bye Baby," nursery rhyme

The tree limb, branch, or bough is a division of a tree where smaller portions branch from the main trunk.

The tree's crown is home to many animals, including birds, squirrels, and in tropical areas, monkeys.

The above nursery rhyme speaks of a baby rocked to sleep on a tree branch. Different theories strive to explain the lyrics.

One holds that its writer observed Native Americans rocking their children in birch bark baskets suspended from trees.

Another points to an English family with eight children who literally lived in a tree. Still others describe a political association.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Would you like to draw a cartoon tree branch? This easy, step-by-step plant drawing tutorial is here to show you how.

All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Fall Scenery, Oak Tree, and Spruce.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Tree Branch

How to Draw a Tree Branch Featured Image

How to Draw a Great Looking Tree Branch for Kids, Beginners, and Adults - Step 1

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 01

1. Draw a wavy, curved line. This begins the outline of the branch of the tree.

Easy Tree Branch Drawing - Step 2

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 02

2. Continue the wavy line, angling it downward. Draw another wavy line beneath it. Connect the lines at the end using a "V" shaped line. This forms the twigs diverging from the tree branch.

Easy Tree Branch Drawing - Step 3

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 03

3. Continue the lower wavy line roughly parallel to the top line.

Easy Tree Branch Drawing - Step 4

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 04

4. Erase a portion of the bottom of the tree branch. Extend a pair of wavy lines from the opening, forming a twig. Diverge the twig several times, connecting each set of lines with a "V" shaped line.

Easy Tree Branch Drawing - Step 5

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 05

5. Erase a portion of the top of the tree branch. Extend curved lines upwards, allowing the lines to diverge into multiple twigs. Attach each with a "V" shaped line.

Easy Tree Branch Drawing - Step 6

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 06

6. Draw twigs extending from the tree limb, using pairs of wavy lines. Use multiple lines and allow them to diverge into different twigs. Use "V" shaped lines to connect them at the ends.

Easy Tree Branch Drawing - Step 7

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 07

7. Begin drawing leaves along one set of twigs. For each leaf, draw two curved lines emerging from the twig, and allow them to meet at a point. Then, draw a curved line down the center of each leaf to indicate the central vein.

Add More Details to Your Tree Branch Picture - Step 8

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 08

8. Begin drawing leaves on the next set of twigs. Again, use a pair of curved lines for each leaf and a third curved line to form the central vein.

Complete the Outline of Your Tree Branch Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 09

9. Draw leaves on the final twigs. Use two curved lines that meet at a point to form each leaf, with a third line forming the central vein.

Color Your Tree Branch Drawing

How to Draw a Tree Branch Step 10

Color your cartoon tree limb. The branch of the tree usually has brown bark; the leaves may be green, yellow, orange, red, brown, or even purple depending on the season and the type of tree.

You can learn to draw a forest and fill it with friendly woodland creatures or dangerous wildlife. Don't wait - hone your drawing skills today!

For more great Tree drawing tutorials, see the 21 Tree Drawing Ideas for Kids post.

Easy, step by step Tree Branch drawing tutorial

How to Draw a Tree Branch Pinterest Image

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Tree Branch Drawing Tutorial - Easy & Fun Printable Pages


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